
Thursday, December 19, 2013

Maya's Birth Story

Maya was born at home at 10:15 pm on Monday, November 25, 2013, weighing 5 pounds 10 ounces, measuring 18.5 inches.

Days after birth.
I was in labor for a total of 18 hours and some change, going into active labor shortly before my water broke 13 hours into it.  Alex ended up going into work for a few hours when we realized it was either that or once baby came.  It was a tough call, bc I did not do well laboring alone.  He finally got back home around 7pm, and at this point my contractions were lasting a minute and 2-3 minutes apart.  I was not a happy camper.  I think not having Alex really messed up our hypnobabies system. I tried laboring with the CDs but it wasn't helping.  I ended up doing a lot of vocalizing.  Birth assistant came shortly after Alex, and midwife wasn't too far behind.  I ended up not getting antibiotics for GBS as midwife felt baby was going to come very soon, not the 4-8 hours after the first dose that is standard.  Indeed, she was born 2 hours after midwife arrived.

They spent a good deal of time trying to fill the birth pool, but they were having problems with the water not being hot enough.  I only got a little bit of hydrotherapy in the shower before all the hot water in the house apparently went out.  Never got in the birth tub.  :( Huge disappointment.

The tub all ready, except that the water never got hot enough :(
I labored on the toilet for a while, but didn't want baby born in there, and they were telling me that I was sounding pushy.  Labored on all fours on the floor for a while, then agreed to have a vaginal check and was almost fully dilated.  They had me move to the bed, midwife pulled the lip of my cervix over baby, and when she came out, she came flying out!  I birthed Maya on all fours, and the placenta in a squat.

Apparently, Maya is a miracle baby in more ways than one.  She had her cord wrapped around her neck and torso, and the cord was not directly linked to the placenta, what is known as a velamentous cord insertion.  They asked if I had had any ultrasounds done, because this normally would've been found at the 20 week sono.  The problem is that if the veins and artery connecting the cord to the placenta happen to run over the cervix (vasa previa) instead of above the baby, then if the water breaks, the baby can cut off the blood supply and not survive birth.  Midwife was shocked that my last sono was just last week!  Alex and I are just amazed at what a humongous blessing this baby is.

We each held Maya for about an hour before finding out if we had a girl or a boy.  I finally cried when Alex peeked and then introduced me to her by name

Daddy showing off her footsies.
I ended up getting a shot of pitocin to cut down on bleeding, a couple of pills under my tongue that were supposed to give me cramps to expel whatever may have been left of the cord/placenta in my uterus, which I think ended up giving me horrible chills, which then led to a fluid IV.   Luckily, I had a chance to hold Maya for a bit before I started with the chills, and after that Daddy got lots of hands-on time with her bc I was a hot mess.  Just laying there half asleep. My perineum stayed intact, but I got little tears on my labia, so I got a couple of stitches.

I had just gotten belly henna done Sunday evening, on our way home from our Ignatian retreat.  I originally was going to get it the Friday after Thanksgiving, but something kept telling me that Maya may be early.  The henna artist advised me that it was unlikely that the henna would still be there for the Birth Day 2 weeks away, but I couldn't risk waiting too long.  So it was pretty cool that I got to have it done just on time after all.  I feel like so many things lined up for us!

My belly henna design.
Maya is such a good baby.  Very cuddly, smiles a lot.  When she's awake, she's so alert and looking around.  Unfortunately, breastfeeding woes started soon after birth, in spite of taking all the precautions.  But that I will save for another post.  

Thank you, Lord, for our miracle!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations!!! So nice to finally meet this sweet on! Welcome to the "outside" world Nalka!
