
Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Time blocks

Morning Basket (daily): TaoTeChing, poetry, Polish literature, mindful eating

Core Skills Subjects (daily): Math/Logic, Reading, Writing (typing, copywork, dictation, grammar) (N: Typing daily, then incorporated into dictation/narration; grammar twice weekly, copywork twice weekly, dictation weekly based on copywork; A: daily copywork), Languages

Core Content Subjects (twice weekly): History, Science

Additional Content Subjects (biweekly loop): Geography, Civics

Additional Skills Subjects (loop): Logic (weekly), languages (alternate Week A: Polish, Spanish; Latin/Greek, ASL), home economics/handicrafts, art, music (alternate weeks)


Natalia: Math, Independent Reading & Narration, Typing 3, copywork or grammar or dictation

Antonio: Math, Reading, Copywork

Both: TaoTeChing, poetry, Polish literature


Natalia: Grammar, Polish grammar/reading, Latin/Greek

Antonio: Polish reading, Spanish

Both: History, Science, meditation/walk outside aka PE (alternate days)


Natalia: Logic, Spanish

Both: ASL


Both: art, music, home economics/handicrafts

How to live Independently: Generic

 Living independently involves managing various aspects of daily life and ensuring self-sufficiency. Here’s a comprehensive guide to essential skills and knowledge you should acquire:

### **1. Financial Management**

- **Budgeting:** Create and stick to a budget, track income and expenses, and plan for savings.

- **Banking:** Understand how to use bank accounts, online banking, and manage transactions.

- **Credit Management:** Know how to build and maintain good credit, manage debt, and understand credit reports.

- **Taxes:** Learn the basics of filing taxes, understanding deductions, and using tax software or professional services.

### **2. Home Management**

- **Cooking:** Develop basic cooking skills, meal planning, and grocery shopping.

- **Cleaning:** Learn how to clean different areas of your home, including routine and deep cleaning.

- **Maintenance:** Basic home repairs, such as fixing leaky faucets, changing light bulbs, and handling minor plumbing issues.

- **Organization:** Keep your living space tidy and organized, managing storage and decluttering.

### **3. Health and Wellness**

- **Personal Care:** Establish routines for personal hygiene, grooming, and health maintenance.

- **Healthcare:** Understand how to access medical services, schedule appointments, and manage health insurance.

- **First Aid:** Basic first aid knowledge and how to handle common emergencies.

- **Nutrition and Exercise:** Plan balanced meals and incorporate regular physical activity into your routine.

### **4. Transportation**

- **Driving:** Obtain a driver’s license, understand vehicle maintenance, and navigate routes.

- **Public Transportation:** Learn how to use local transit systems, including buses, trains, and ride-sharing services.

### **5. Legal and Administrative Tasks**

- **Understanding Contracts:** Know how to read and comprehend leases, service agreements, and other contracts.

- **Emergency Preparedness:** Have a plan for emergencies, including contact information, and know how to handle various situations (natural disasters, power outages, etc.).

### **6. Personal Safety and Security**

- **Home Security:** Understand basic home security measures, such as locking doors, using alarm systems, and safeguarding personal information.

- **Online Safety:** Practice safe online behavior, including using strong passwords and recognizing phishing scams.

### **7. Social and Community Engagement**

- **Networking:** Build and maintain relationships with friends, neighbors, and community members.

- **Local Resources:** Familiarize yourself with community services, support networks, and local organizations.

### **8. Life Skills**

- **Time Management:** Develop skills for planning and managing your time effectively.

- **Problem-Solving:** Learn how to approach and resolve various challenges that arise in daily life.

- **Self-Care and Stress Management:** Techniques for managing stress, maintaining mental health, and practicing self-care.

### **9. Cooking and Nutrition**

- **Meal Preparation:** Basic cooking skills, including meal planning, grocery shopping, and understanding nutrition.

- **Food Storage:** Proper storage techniques to avoid spoilage and waste.

### **10. Communication Skills**

- **Effective Communication:** Develop skills for clear and assertive communication, both verbally and in writing.

- **Conflict Resolution:** Techniques for handling disagreements and resolving conflicts in a constructive manner.

Mastering these areas will help you navigate the responsibilities of living independently, giving you the confidence and capability to manage your own household and make informed decisions.

Courtesy ChatGPT

Blog/Channel Idea: "Mindful Homeschooling: Eastern Wisdom for an Inclusive Education"


This blog/channel would explore how Eastern philosophies and spiritual practices can enhance the homeschooling experience, particularly for families with autistic children. It would offer insights into integrating mindfulness, meditation, and holistic approaches into education while addressing environmental concerns and political contexts.

Topics to Cover:

  1. Eastern Philosophy in Education: How principles from Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism can shape a nurturing homeschooling environment, focusing on mindfulness, balance, and personal growth.

  2. Mindful Parenting Techniques: Strategies for incorporating mindfulness into daily parenting routines, fostering a supportive atmosphere for children with autism, and balancing educational goals with spiritual practices.

  3. Inclusive Curriculum Design: Creating a curriculum that respects cultural diversity and language development, with an emphasis on inclusivity for children on the autism spectrum.

  4. Eco-Friendly Homeschooling: Practical tips for integrating environmental consciousness into your homeschooling routine, including sustainable materials, eco-friendly activities, and nature-based learning.

  5. Political and Social Contexts: Analyzing how political decisions impact homeschooling, particularly for families with special needs, and exploring how Eastern philosophies offer solutions or perspectives on current issues.

  6. Language and Identity: Exploring how Eastern languages and cultural practices can enrich your child's education and identity formation, with a focus on bilingualism and multicultural understanding.

  7. Autism and Spiritual Practices: Investigating how mindfulness and spiritual practices from Eastern traditions can support the well-being of autistic children, and sharing personal stories and expert insights.

  8. Community and Support: Building a network of like-minded parents and educators who integrate these philosophies into their homeschooling practices, with interviews, guest posts, and collaborative projects.


  • Weekly Blog Posts/Video Content: In-depth articles or episodes on each topic.
  • Guided Meditations and Mindfulness Exercises: Resources tailored for children and parents.
  • Eco-Friendly Product Reviews: Recommendations for sustainable educational tools and materials.
  • Expert Interviews: Conversations with educators, psychologists, and spiritual leaders.
  • Interactive Community: A forum for readers/viewers to share their experiences, ask questions, and seek support.

This niche blends the intersection of spirituality, education, and practical parenting, offering a unique and holistic approach to homeschooling that caters to diverse needs and interests.

Monday, August 26, 2024

Midlife Crisis?

I recently read about how the term "adulting" is a way to infantilize women.  Then I read a book called "Discovering the Inner Mother" which talked about how we internalize patriarchal values and how these cause us to limit ourselves. This comes on top of the ongoing anxiety I have about my hubby's health and the fear I have surrounding what I would do if God forbit he weren't there to take care of all the things (bringing in income, arranging for bills to be paid, interacting with people for these purposes).  Oh, and there's the international move abroad that we're counting down the days to.

I shared my concerns in several online groups.  One, for neurodivergent homeschoolers, really got me and a lot of insights for futher thought came through.  The first one is this: autism really is a disability.  The reasons I'm doing relatively well in life is because I have various accomodations in place in the form of my husband being in charge of them.  This leaves me the time and mental space to focus on my contributions to the family, which center on educating our children at home.

Perhaps the first thing I have to do is to accept that my normal will not look like the normal of a neurotypical, independent, empowered, 40-something woman whose personality stands in stark opposition to patriarchal expectations.  I will never be that woman.  It's not that I need to try harder.  I simply don't have the capabilities to juggle the number of tasks needed to successfully make it happen all on my own.

I should be grateful, not wallowing in self-pity.  My husband gets me.  He supports me.  He understands me (as much as is possible for an allistic guy to do so).  

Autism is an invisible disability, which is what makes it so darn difficult.  People don't see it, so they don't know to make allowances for what they expect of me.  And then I internalize those unrealistic expectations onto myself and feel badly for who I am.

Here's my plan of action to get out of this rut.

1. Figure out the worth of my contributions to the family and request an "allowance".

2. Use this "allowance" to pay the bills.  Perhaps it makes more sense to set up automatic bill pay, in which case I need to be sure to gather the info I need to do this and then do it.  I cannot let my husband just sign us up for all the bills at our UK destination.  I need to go through doing it myself so I know I can do it again in the future as needed.

3. Look for a marketing person I can partner with who would market my books without me going broke.  I have to be willing to take an initial loss, something I'm comfortable with, say $100, to give a person a chance.  Then a different person if need be.  Reassess strategies if that still isn't working.

4. Make journaling a regular part of my life.  List things I'm grateful for, things I've accomplished each day/week, and one small goal that I'm working towards.

5. Start making videos of my various thoughts, and separating them into more manageable sections, and publishing these in sections to keep the videos short enough to garner interest.  Think how I like to view my videos - they don't need to be fancy visuals, just engaging content.  And shorter is better, as I rarely click on much longer videos, but often end up clicking on multiple videos in a row.

6. Decide once and for all what the meal plan will be.  What are the healthy parameters of our eating habits?  We CANNOT DO ALL THE THINGS!  

7. Meditate.

8. Listen to music/sing/dance.

9. Be in nature (meditate, journal, hike...)

10. Make a list of books to read about autistic women and read them.