
Saturday, October 12, 2019

Celebrate Recovery Mass Invitation

My name is Karolina, I'm a grateful believer in Jesus Christ, and I struggle with codependence, boundary and control issues, and people pleasing.

This is how I generally introduce myself at Celebrate Recovery meetings, held every Thursday evening at the Parish Office.

Two years ago, I heard the announcement at Mass that there was a new ministry starting at OLPH called Celebrate Recovery, and even though it was made clear that this new ministry was relevant for anyone with any sort of "hurt, habit, or hang-up", I automatically assumed that any 12-step program must deal with addiction, and since this didn't describe me, I ignored it.

Meanwhile, I was meeting with a counselor to work on some relationship issues that had been holding me back and preventing me from truly living for Christ without understanding why.  My counselor suggested I read a certain book, and when the book, which spoke very clearly to my condition, recommended Celebrate Recovery, I couldn't believe my luck. 

When I attended my first Celebrate Recovery meeting, I remember thinking that this is what being in a Christian community is all about.  Nearly two years later, I still say I've never met a group of more nonjudgmental, honest people of integrity.

Working the 12 steps of Celebrate Recovery has helped me identify and overcome many of my hurts, habits, and hang-ups.  I was hung up on what people thought of me, which of course is bound to end in heartache. I had a bad habit of trying to control other people in an effort to feel good about myself.  And I uncovered hurts I hadn't realized needed to be dealt with but were the source of much angst in my life.

You may be where I found myself two years ago.  Maybe nothing majorly earth-shattering seems to be interfering in your life, in your walk with Christ.  But if you wouldn't call yourself a Saint just yet, Celebrate Recovery can help. 

Maybe you are dealing with something very difficult, something hard to articulate even, that is preventing you from being a better version of yourself, as the Catholic author Matthew Kelley likes to say. Celebrate Recovery can help.

Maybe you see the world from a victim perspective, and maybe you truly have been the victim of unfortunate, even terrible, circumstances.  There is hope in Christ, and Celebrate Recovery can help.

But don't take my word for it.  Join us every Thursday evening at the Parish Office.  We gather for informal fellowship and dinner at 6:30, followed by a little praise and worship and a testimony or teaching, and finally we break into women's and men's small groups to openly share our struggles and successes with each other, or just sit in silence, offering a safe space for others to share.

There is no commitment and no obligation.  Come as you are, when you can.  Come late, leave early, but don't let this amazing opportunity to grow in Christ pass you by, like I almost did.

Thank you for letting me share.

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